Prof. Dr. Müge Akmansu
Radyasyon Onkolojisi
Assessment of quality of life of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with EORTC QLQ-C30 and H&N-35 modules
Cengiz M, Ozyar E, Esassolak M, Altun M, Akmansu M, Sen M, Uzel O, Yavuz A, Dalmaz G, Uzal C, Hicsonmez A, Sarihan S, Kaplan B, Atasoy BM, Ulutin C
46th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Therapeutic-Radiology-and-Oncology,
03-07 Ekim 2004 Atlanta, ABD
Serum ubiquitin levels and antioxidan system in patients with solid tumors treated with radiotherapy
Bilgilhan A, Guney Y, Akmansu M, Bora H, Aybars C
EJC SUPPLEMENTS Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Pages: 316-316 Suppl. S Published: OCT 2005
Evaluation of nutritional status in cancer patients receiving radiotherapy - A prospective study Unsal D, Mentes B, Akmansu M, Uner A, Oguz M, Pak Y.
Conference Information: 23rd Annual Meeting of the European-Society-for-Therapeutic-Radiology-and-Oncology (ESTRO 23),
Gelatinase B Expression as a prognostic Factor in Patients with stage II/III rectal carcinoma treated by postoperative adjuvant therapy
D.Ünsal, N.Akyürek, A.Üner, OP.Erpolat, Ü.Han, M.Akmansu, b.Menteş, A.Dursun
7th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer,
15-18 Haziran 2005 Barcelona, İspanya
Radiotherapy applications of our department in mesothelioma
Akmansu M, Goksel F, Tunc E, et al.
11th World Conference on Lung Cancer,
03-06 Haziran 2005 Barcelona, İSPANYA
Lung Cancer V:49 pp:S386-S386 Suppl:2;2005
Unsal D, Akmansu M, Pak Y
Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese-and -Latin-American-Association,
09 Ekim 2006 Leipzig, GERMANY
Atahan IL, Yildiz F, Cengiz M, Kaplan B, Ozkan M, Haydaroglu A, Sengoz M, Korcum AF, Akmansu, M, Engin K.
Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese-and -Latin-American-Association, OCT 09, 2006 Leipzig, GERMANY
Radiotherapy And Oncology V: 81pp: S150-S151 Suppl.1 Meeting Abstract: 374;2006
Akmansu M, Goksel F, Bora H, , Unsal D, Buyukberber S, Yaman E, Karahacioglu E , Yamac D, Pak Y
Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese-and -Latin-American-Association,
09 Ekim 2006 Leipzig, GERMANY
Radiotherapy And Oncology V:81 pp:S298-S298 Suppl.1 Meeting Abstract: 732, 2006
Radiation therapy for extramedullary plasmocytoma: A retrospective evaluation
Author(s): Yirmibesoglu E, Bora H, Akmansu M, et al.
Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese-and -Latin-American-Association,
09 Ekim 2006 Leipzig, GERMANY
Radiotherapy And Oncology V:81 pp:S402-S403:Suppl.1 Meeting Abstract: 988, 2006
Outcome of newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients treated by radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide: a long-term analysis
Erpolat OP, Akmansu M, Goksel F, Bora H, Yaman E, Buyukberber S
25th Congress of the ESTRO, OCT 08-12, 2006 Leipzig, GERMANY
Concomittant cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor and whole brain radiotherapy in patients with brain metastasis: Phase I/II randomized study
Bora H, Asikoglu H, Akmansu M, Unsal D.
48th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Therapeutic-Radiology-and-Oncology,
05-09 Kasım 2006 Philadelphia, ABD.
IJROBP, V:66 Issue: 3 pp: S259-S259 Suppl. Meeting Abstract: 2090 ;2006
Atahan L, Yildiz F, Cengiz M, et al.
48th ASTRO Annual Meeting
05-09 Kasım 2006 Philadelphia, ABD
IJROBP V: 66 Issue: 3,S524-S525 Supp. Abstract: 2567;2006
Summary of ongoing practices in Turkey.
Consultants’ Meeting on the Design of the study for CRP in PET_CT in the treatment planning of nonsmall cell Lung Cancer
3-4 Ekim 2007 Viyana
Radiotherapy In Agressive Meningiomas And Role of Ki67 (Mib-1) Proliferasyon
E.Yirmibesoglu,Demirel M, Iren S,Bora H, Memis L, Akmansu M.
5.Meeting of The Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology
2-4 Kasım 2007, İstanbul,Türkiye
Tunc EA, Bora H, Borcek P, Akmansu M.
49th Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Therapeutic-Radiology-and-Oncology,
28 Ekim-1 Kasım 2007 Los Angeles, ABD
Radiation treatment planning with PET/CT in head and neck cancers (HNCS)
Kanyilmaz G, Erpolat O.P, Akmansu M.
2nd International Conference on Innovative Approaches in Head&Neck Oncology,
February 26-28, 2009, İspanya.
Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in the Treatment of Locally Advanced Prostate Cancer
Bora H, Yirmibesoglu E, Demirel M, Akmansu M.
51st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Radiation-Oncology,
01-05 Kasım 2009 Chicago,ABD
E. Yaman, D. Yamaç , S. Turhal, B.Karaca, HS. Coskun, Ş. Komurcu, T. Yavuzsen, F. Dane,M. Nalca, M. Akmansu
35th European-Society-for-Medical-Oncology (ESMO) Congress,
08-12 Ekim 2010, Milano, Italya
Aurora-B and Survivin Expression in Head and Neck Cancer: Correlation with Clinicopathologic Features and Patient Survival
P. Erpolat, PU. Gocun, M. Akmansu M,
52nd Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Radiation-Oncology,
31 Ekim-4 Kasım, 2010 San Diego, ABD
The effect of the use of oral glutamine on the side effect of mucositis in patients with head–neck cancer who receive chemoradiotherapy: retrospective evaluation with clinical and immunological parameters
M. Akmansu, S. İren, G. Kanyılmaz
MASCC/ISOO Supportive Care in Cancer 28-30Temmuz 2012 NewYork USA
The effect of oral glutamine in prevention of acute radiation induced esophagitis in patients with lung cancer
G. Kanyılmaz , M. Akmansu, T. Atasever, Ş. Elbeg, H. Bora, E. Karahacıoglu, Y. Pak
MASCC/ISOO Supportive Care in Cancer 28-30Temmuz 2012 NewYork USA
Brachytherapy experience in gynaecological Tumors in Turkey
Aslay I., Brachtherapy working group
World Congress of Brachytherapy 10-12 Mayıs 2012 Barselona,İspanya
Indication of HPV-Associated P16 INK4A expression on responce to therapy and survival in head and neck cancer (P0868)
G.Kanyılmaz, Ö.Ekinci, M.Akmansu, S.Sahin, F.Öztürk,
5th World Congress of IFHNOS &Annual meeting of the AHNS
26-30 Temmuz 2014 New york, ABD
Patterns os care study in Turkish nasopharyngeal cancer patients(NAZOTURK): A Turkish Radiation Oncology Association Head and Neck Cancer Working Group Study
Şahin B, Esassolak M, Saran İkizler A, Yıldırım C, Çaloğlu M, Atalar B, Akman F, Atasoy BM, Canyılmaz E, Iğdem S, Uğurluer G, Kütük T, Akmansu M, Ozyar E.
7th Biannual International Symposium on Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
4.6 Haziran 2015, Endonezya
Patterns of Care Study in Turkish Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients (NAZOTURK): A Turkish Radiation Oncology Association Head and Neck Cancer Working Group Study
E. Ozyar, A. Dizman, M. Esassolak, A. Ikizler, C. Yildirim, M. Caloglu, B. Atalar, F. Akman, C. Demiroz, B.M. Atasoy, E. Can,S. Igdem,G. Ugurluer, T. Kutuk, M. Akmansu, and B. Sahin
ASTRO Meeting 17-21 Ekim 2015,San Antonio, ABD
Investigation Of Radıation Effect On Vıtamin D Levels
O. Yazici, M. Akmansu, S. Elbeg, P. Tater, E. Karahacioglu
MASCC/ISOO Supportive Care in Cancer 25-27 Haziran 2015, Kopenhag-Danimarka
Evaluation the effect of inverse and field in field IMRT plannings on left anterior descending coronary artery(LAD) doses for left breast cancer
E.Kara, M.Akmansu, B.Dirican, A.Yazıcı
EBCC 9-11Mart 2016, Amsterdam
Effects of Radiation on ADMA and SDMA levels in serum of Vitamin-D administered rats
A.Aricioğlu, E.Kahraman, M.Akmansu, A.Cumaoğlu
Small Animal Precision Radiation Research Symposium, 21-23 Mart 2016, Ghent.
Patient Survey on Late Toxicity Following Head and Neck Radiochemotherapy: A Single Center Experience
M.Akmansu, Utku Aydil, Y.Kızıl, M.Sahin
7th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology 7-10 Eylül 2016, Budapeste
Comparison of Three Concurrent Chemoradiation Regimens in The Treatment of Laryngeal Cancer: A Single Center Experience SÖZLÜ SUNUM
U.Aydil, M.Akmansu, Ö.Gümüşay, FK Bakkal, Ö.Yazıcı, Y.Kızıl, A.Köybaşıoğlu, R.Yıldız, S.Büyükberber, E.İnal,
7th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology 7-10 Eylül 2016, Budapeste
Failıure of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Organ preservation in Laryngeal Cancer: Survival Outcomes and Recurrence Pattern
U.Aydil, M.Akmansu, Ö.Gümüşay, FK Bakkal, Ö.Yazıcı, Y.Kızıl, A.Köybaşıoğlu, R.Yıldız, S.Büyükberber, E.İnal
7th European Congress on Head and Neck Oncology 7-10 Eylül 2016, Budapeste
The Effects of Vitamin-D ADMA and Zinc levels in irradiated rats.
A.Hussein, A.Aricioğlu, M.Akmansu
ESPEN 17-20 Eylül 2016, Kopenhag
P16INK4A as a prognostic marker of treatment response and survival in our SCCHN patients with laryngeal,hypopharyngeal or nasopharyngeal cancers SÖZLÜ SUNUM
Kanyilmaz G, Ekinci O, Muge A, Celik S, Ozturk F.
International Symposium On HPV Infection In Head And Neck Cancer 3-4 Kasım 2016, Leipzig
Effects of breast irradiation technıque on brachial plexus
Müge Akmansu, Esil Kara
Breastanbul 10-12 Kasım 2016, Istanbul
The Evaluation Of The Set-Up Dıfferences Between Radıation Therapists For Head&Neck Patients
E. Kara, A. Yazici, B. Dirican, B. Boybas, M.A. Gunaydin, A. Kartal, M. Akmansu, A. Hicsonmez
6th ICHNO International Conference on Innovative Approaches In Head And Neck Oncology
16-18 Mart 2017, Barcelona, İspanya
Comparison Of The Side Effects Of Split-Course And Standard Radiotherapy On Patients With Stage IIIa-IIIb Lung Cancer
A. Aksu, Y. Pak, F. Goksel, M. Akmansu
Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)
22-24 Haziran 2017, Washington DC
Effects of palliative radiotherapy and biophosphonate use on bone turnover marker levels in cancer patients with osteolytic bone metasteses
F.Göksel, M.Akmansu, E.Senturk
ESPEN Congress on Clinical Nutrition 2018
1-4 Eylül 2018, Madrid İspanya
Postmastectomy RT Decision for Lymph Node Negative Patients: Turkish Radiation Oncology Society
A.Altinok, B.Gursel, A.Ergen, S.Alanyalı, Z.Ozsaran, A.Ay, E.Metcalfe, M.Akmansu, H.Tepetam, P.Altinok, O.Altmisdortoglu, A.Serarslan, N.Bese
ESTRO 37, 20-24Nisan, 2018, Barcelona, İspanya
Effects of hypofractioned radiotherapy on the brachial plexus
Breastanbul 2018 SÖZLÜ SUNUM
M.Akmansu, Çatlı S, Demircan V.
Screening For Nutritional Status In Radiation Oncology Outpatients TROD12-01
M. Akmansu, D. Kilic, S. Akyurek, H. Akboru, L.Z. Arican Alicikus, D. Yalman, O. Yazici, E. Keven, B. Atalar, V. Yurut Caloglu, S.B. Gursel, M. Kurt, M.S. Igdem, E. Kaytan Saglam on behalf of TROD 12-01 Integrative Oncology Group Study
ESPEN Congress on Clinical Nutrition 31 Aug-3Eylül 2019, Krakow Polonya
Comparison Of Nutritional Assesment Tests In Oncology Patients
M.Akmansu, E.Şentürk, D.Yalman
ESPEN Congress on Clinical Nutrition 31Aug-3 Eyl.2019, Krakow Polonya
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