Prof. Dr. Müge Akmansu
Radyasyon Onkolojisi
1. External Radiotherapy in Macular Degeneration: Our Technique, Dosmetric Calculation, and Preliminary Results
M.Akmansu, B.Dirican, B.Öztürk, İ.Egehan, M.Subaşı, M.Or
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics 40(4):923-927,1998.
2. Atypical Acute Reaction Associated with Radiotherapy: A Case Report
M.Akmansu, A.Erel
Radiation Medicine 16(5): 379-382, 1998.
3. The Effect of N-Acetylcystein on Radiation Induced Lung Damage in Guinea Pigs
S.Fırat, A.Arıcıoğlu, M.Akmansu, M.Kılınç, C.Özoğul, H.Fırat
Biochemical Archieves 15: 117-127, 1999.
4. The Connection Between Superoxide, Nitric Oxide and Superoxide Dismutase Activities Following Sublethal Doses of Radiation
M.Akmansu, B.Balabanlı, M.Korkmaz, N.Türközkan
Biochemical Archieves 15: 267-271, 1999.
5. Research on the Radioprotective Effects of Calcium Antagonists on Jejunal Mucosa of Swiss Albino Mice
H.Bora, M.Akmansu, S.Sönal, B.Öztürk
Biochemical Archieves 15: 247-250, 1999.
6. Treatment of Age-related Subfoveal Neovascular Membranes by Teletherapy: Results of Non-randomized Study
M.Subaşı, M.Akmansu, M.Or
Radiation Medicine 17(2): 169-179, 1999.
7. Intracerebral Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma in a 5-Year Old Girl
H.Bora, B.Öztürk, M.Akmansu, S.Yenidünya, İ.Egehan
Radiation Medicine 17(5): 355-358, 1999.
8. Inhibition of Epidural Scar Tissue Formation After Spinal Surgery: External Irradiation vs. Spinal Membrane Application
H.Bora, Ş.Aykol, N.Akyürek, M.Akmansu, Ö.Ataoğlu
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics 51(2):507-513,2001.
9. The Risk of Radiation-Induced Carcinogenesis after External Beam Radiotherapy of Graves’ Orbitopathy
M.Akmansu, B.Dirican, H.Bora, Ö.Gürel
Ophthalmic Research 35: 150-153, 2003.
10. Evaluation of Standart tangential irradiation versus breast ring technique using three-dimensional tools in cancerous large breasts
H.Bora, M.Akmansu, Ö.Gürel
Tumori 5:Sep-Oct;89(5):510-3; 2003
11. Results of chemoirradiation after curative resection of locally advanced gastric cancer.
Int J Clin Pract. May;58(5):451-6, 2004
12. Ultrastructural and electrophysiologic changes of rat cochlea after irradiation.
Akmansu H, Eryilmaz A, Korkmaz H, Sennaroglu G, Akmansu M, Gocer C, Tatar I
Laryngoscope Jul;114(7):1276-80, 2004.
13. Plasma level of lipid peroxidation, total sulphydryl groups and nitric oxide levels in cancer patients irradiated on different anatomic fields: a case-control study.
Ünsal D, Akmansu M, Özer C, Gönül B, Bora H
Exp Oncol. Mar;27(1):76-80, 2005.
14. Influence of locoregional radiation treatment on tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 in the serum of patients with head and neck cancer.
Akmansu M, Ünsal D, BoraH, Elbeg Ş.
Cytokine. Jul 7;31(1):41-5, 2005.
15. Assessment of quality of life of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with EORTC QLQ-C30 and H&N-35 modules.
International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics Dec 1;63(5):1347-1353, 2005.
16. Evaluation of nutritional status in cancer patients receiving radiotherapy: A prospective, descriptive study
Ünsal D, Menteş B, Akmansu M, Üner A, Oğuz M, Pak Y
American Journal of Clinical Oncology 29(2): 183-189; 2006
17. The Effect of Vitamin a Pretreatment on Radiation Induced Alteration in Neutrophil Functions.
Balabanli B, Turkozkan N, Balabanli S, Erdamar H, Akmansu M.
Mol Cell Biochem. Feb 14;:1-3; 2006
18. Effects of radiation therapy on oesophageal transit in patients with inner quadrant breast tumour.
Türkölmez S, Atasever T, Akmansu M.
Nucl Med Commun. Aug;26(8):721-6, 2005.
19. Evaluation of nutritional status in cancer patients receiving radiotherapy: a prospective study.
Unsal D, Mentes B, Akmansu M, Uner A, Oguz M, Pak Y.
Amerıcan Journal Of Clınıcal Oncology-Cancer Clınıcal Trıals 29(2): 183-188;2006
20. The Effect of vitamin E on acute skin reaction caused by radiotherapy
A.Dirier, M.Akmansu,H.Bora, M.Gürer
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, 32(5):571-573; 2007
21. Melatonin treatment for prevention of oxidative stress: involving histopathological changes
Yildirim O, Comoglu S, Yardimci S, Akmansu M, Bozkurt G, Avunduk MC.
General Physıology And Bıophysıcs 26(2): 126-132; 2007
Boruban C, Sencan O, Akmansu M, Atik ET, Ozbek S.
Anti-Cancer Drugs. 18(8): 969-972; 2007
23. Effect of timing of Glutamine-enriched enteral nutrition on intestinal damage caused by irradiation
Salman B, Oguz, Akmansu M, Bebitoglu I, Akca G, Sultan N, Emre U, Kerem M, Yilmaz U
Advances In Therapy 24(3): 648-661; 2007
Yaman E, Buyukberber S, Uner A, Coskun U, Akmansu M, Benekli M, Yamac D, Ozturk B, Kaya AO, Yildiz R,Ozkan S, Gunel N.
Onkologıe 31(6): 309-313; 2008
25. Gelatinase B Expression as a prognostic Factor in Patients with stage II/III rectal carcinoma treated by postoperative adjuvant therapy
D.Ünsal, N.Akyürek, A.Üner, OP.Erpolat, Ü.Han, M.Akmansu, B.Menteş, A.Dursun
American J.Clinical Oncology, 31(1): 55-63;2008
Aricioglu A, Yildirimoglu G, Akmansu M. Turkozer Z.
Oxıdatıon Communıcatıons 31(4): 819-825;2008
Yildirim O, Comoglu S, Yardimci S, Akmansu M, Bozkurt G, Surucu S.
General Physıology And Bıophysıcs 27(1): 32-37;2008
28. The results of three different treatment modalities in patients with locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Ozturk B, Buyukberber S, Akmansu M, Coskun U, Yamac D, Uner A, Yaman E, Yildiz R, Kaya AO, Bora H,Unsal D,Pak Y, Benekli M.
Medıcal Oncology 25(3): 269-273;2008
29. Primary cardiac angiosarcoma: a case report
Erpolat OP, Icli F, Dogan OV, Gokaslan G, Akmansu M, Erekul S, Yucel E.
Tumori, 94(6): 892-897;2008.
30. Effects of Radiation on Protein Oxidation and Lipid Peroxidation in the Brain Tissue
Gulbahar O, Aricioglu A, Akmansu M. Turkozer S.
Transplantatıon Proceedıngs 41(10): 4394-4396;2009
31. Outcome of newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients treated by radiotherapy plus concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide: a long-term analysis
Erpolat OP, Akmansu M, Goksel F, Bora H, Yaman E, Buyukberber S
Tumori 95(2):191-197;2009
Z. Turkozer, A. Aricioglu, M. Akmansu, S.Fırat
Oxidation Communications,33(3); 726-736, 2010
33. Radiation induced early necrosis in patients with malignant gliomas receiving temozolomide
Yaman E, Buyukberber S, Benekli M, Y. Oner, U. Coskun, M. Akmansu, B.Ozturk, AO. Kaya, D. Uncu, R.Yıldız
Clinical Neurology and Neurosurgery 112(8): 662-667;2010
Atahan L, Yildiz F, Cengiz M, Kaplan B, Ozkan M, Yazici G, Gundog M, Haydaroglu A, Korcum AF, Sengoz M, Dincer M, Akmansu M, Engin K,Hayran M
Supportive Care In Cancer 18(6):691-698;2010
Kaya AO, Buyukberber S, Benekli M, Coskun U, Sevinc A, Akmansu M, Yildiz R, Ozturk B, Yaman E, Kalender ME, Orhan O, Yamac D, Uner A
Medıcal Oncology. 27(1): 152-157; 2010
36. Cetuximab concomitant with second line radiation therapy in patients with locally advanced recurrent squamous cell head and neck cancer
Akmansu M, Büyükberber S, Iren S, Demirci U, Kanyılmaz G, Coşkun U, Bora H.
Case Reports in Oncology 3: 480-488, 2010.
OP.Erpolat, M. Akmansu, M. Dogan, H. Bora, C.Kurugol, O.Uluoglu
Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy,15(6): 165-171; 2010.
38. Long term experience in high grade glial tumors with temozolomide.
Demirci U, Buyukberber S, Coskun U,Akmansu M, Yaman E, Baykara M, Yamac D, Uner A, Benekli M.
J BUON. Apr-Jun;17(2):357-62, 2012.
Erpolat OP, Gocun PU, Akmansu M, Karakus E, Akyol G.
Strahlenther Onkol. Mar;188(3):248-54; 2012.
40. Radiotherapy applications of patients with malignant mesothelioma:A single center experience
Akmansu M, Erpolat OP, Goksel F, Tunc E, Ozturk C.
Reports of practical and radiotherapy, 18(2):82-86; 2013
Erpolat OP, Gocun PU,Akmansu M, Ozgun G, Akyol G.
Strahlenther Onkol Feb;189(2):147-54, 2013
42. Lymph node ratio assessment of brain metastasis in early breast cancer cases.
Demircioglu F,Demirci U, Akmansu M.
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev;14(3):1665-7, 2013
Unal K, Mustafa U, Akdemir O, Akmansu M.
Nucl Med Commun. Sep;34(9):855-9, 2013
44. The effects of Pycnogenol® on colon anastomotic healing in rats given preoperative irradiation.
Değer KC, Seker A, Ozer I, Bostancı EB, Dalgıç T, Akmansu M, Ekinci O, Erçin U, Bilgihan A, Akoğlu M.
Int J Surg;11(9):983-8, 2013.
45. An individualised treatment algorithm for tumour stage 1 glottic squamous cell carcinoma.
Aydil U,Akmansu M, Kizil Y, Yazici O, Ustün S, Karaloğlu F, Köybaşioğlu A.
J Laryngol Otol. Nov;127(11):1127-33, 2013.
46. Effects of β-Glucan on Colon Anastomotic Healing in Rats Given Preoperative Irradiation.
Seker A, Deger KC, Bostanci EB, Ozer I, Dalgic T, Bilgihan A, Akmansu M, Ekinci O, Ercin U, Akoglu M.
J Invest Surg. Jun;27(3):155-62, 2014
47. Comparison of the hematologic toxicity between 3D CRT and IMRT planning in cervical cancer patients after concurrent chemoradiotherapy: a national multicenter study
Erpolat OP, Alco G, Caglar HB, Igdem S, Saran A, Dagoglu N, Aslay I, Ozsaran Z, Demirci S, Keven E, Guney Y, Akmansu M, Kilic D, Bayman E, Etiz D, Mandel
Eur J Gynaecol Oncol.;35(1):62-6, 2014
48. Practice patterns for oropharyngeal cancer in radiation oncology centers of Turkey.
Karakoyun-Celik O, Altun M, Olmezoglu A, Büyükpolat MY, Ozkök S, Akmansu M, Cengiz M, Onal C, Dizman A, Esassolak M.
Tumori. May-Jun;100(3):284-8. 2014
49. Prognostic significance of expression of CD133 and Ki-67 in gastric cancer.
Saricanbaz I, Karahacioglu E, Ekinci O, Bora H, Kilic D, Akmansu M.
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 15(19):8215-9; 2014
Erkal EY, Bora H, Tepeoğlu M, Akmansu M.
Balkan Med J. Mar;31(1):43-9; 2014.
51. Oral glutamine supplementation reduces radiotherapy- induced esophagitis in lung cancer patients.
Gul K, Muge A, Taner A, Sehri E.
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 16(1):53-8; 2015.
Kanyilmaz G, Ekinci O, Muge A, Celik S, Ozturk F.
Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 16(1):253-8; 2015.
53. Comparison of three different concurrent chemoradiation regimens for treatment of laryngeal cancer.
Aydil U, Akmansu M, Gumusay Ö, Bakkal FK, Yazıcı Ö, Kızıl Y, Köybaşıoğlu A, Yıldız R, Büyükberber S, İnal E.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. Sep;273(9):2795-803; 2016.
54. The evaluation of the feasibility of carotid sparing intensity modulated radiation therapy technique for comprehensive breast irradiation
Erpolat OP, Akmansu M, Catli Dinc S, Akkan K, Bora H.
Phys Med. Apr;36:60-65; 2017.
55. Evaluation of Effect of Inverse and Field in Field IMRT Planning for Left Sided Anterior Descending Coronary Artery Doses in Left –Sided Breast Cancer Patients
E.Kara, M.Akmansu, B.Dirican, A.Yazıcı
Turk J Oncol 33(1): 28-32, 2018
56. Primary Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Prostate: A Rare Case Report
Gök A, Tuygun C,Akmansu M, Uslu AA, Kartal IG, Sandikçi F, Karabacak OR, Sağnak AL, Topaloğlu H, Ersoy H.
J Clin Med. 2018 Aug 15;7(8).
57. Single institutional experience of head and neck adenoid cystic carcinomas
Demircan V, Şahin M, Akmansu M, Aydil U,Türkcan A,Dikmen AU, Sayar E.
Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 3(2):1-4, 2018
58. Failure of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Organ Preservation in Laryngeal Cancer: Survival Outcomes and Recurrence Patterns
U.Aydil, M.Akmansu, Ö.Gümüşay, FC.Eravcı, FK. Bakkal,Ö.Yazıcı, Y.Kızıl, ME.Zorlu,R.Yıldız, A.Köybaşıoğlu
Ear, Nose & Throat Journal 1–5;2019
59. Submandibular gland cancers: prognostic factors and survival analysis.
Şahin MM, Demircan V,Göcek M, Uzunoğlu E, Akmansu M, Sayar E, Kızıl Y, Aydil U.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020 Mar 24. doi: 10.1007/s00405-020-05924-w.
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